Adapting to the commitment made by the European Union in 2008 discussing key issues such as: CO2 emissions, energy efficiency as well as energy generation from renewable sources, the energy model of Europe has changed, which has led to the development of Smart Grids. To provide "intelligence" to power grids, it is necessary to develop and install a communications infrastructure that allows us to know the network status in real time, and to act on it as quickly as possible. The Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) is working with ZigBee Smart Energy as a solution for monitoring, control and automation of distribution and use of electricity, gas and water in-home. ZigBee Smart Energy is a standardized solution developed by ZigBee Alliance.
Keywords: Smart Grids, ZigBee, Smart Energy Profile, IEEE 802.15.4.
DOI reference: ANALES
Published on paper: September 2012.
C. Rodríguez-Morcillo, J.D. Muñoz Frías, J. Juárez Montojo, D. Contreras, S. Alexandres, Gestión de redes inteligentes domésticas mediante ZigBee Smart Energy. Anales de Mecánica y Electricidad. Vol. LXXXIX, nº. V, pp. 28 - 33, September 2012.